Emotional Resilience: A Strategic Advantage

What is emotional resilience and how can it be used as a strategic advantage?
person climbing a mountain in the sunset

Emotional Resilience: A Strategic Advantage

Having a high level of emotional resilience is a HUGE strategic advantage for leaders and entrepreneurs, but what exactly is it and how can you leverage it? President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™, Kim Ades, explores the concept of emotional resilience.

Frame of Mind Coaching™ clients are highly successful leaders and entrepreneurs who are struggling in one or more areas of their life. They come from all different industries, but what they have in common is their frustration. They are frustrated that no one in their personal life truly gets them. They are frustrated with their team and their lack of results. They are frustrated with themselves for not reaching their goals fast enough.

What they don’t realize is that this frustration is keeping them from their success. Snapping out of this state and using it to their advantage is one of the many skills we help our clients master. We call this skill emotional resilience.

Watch as Kim Ades, President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™, explores the concept of emotional resilience.



Kim Ades: Emotional resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity with speed and agility.

In fact, those with a high level of emotional resilience don’t only bounce back with speed and agility, they leverage their adversity.

So something bad happens to them, they fall and then they say, “OK. I’m done falling. I’m getting back up.

How do I turn this into something good?

How do I leverage this?

How do I make it an advantage as opposed to a disadvantage?”

We see a lot of entrepreneurs who have great skill in doing that.

Many leaders, many great leaders, take their negative experiences, learn from them and turn them into a strategic advantage.

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